wallahu ghalibun ala amrihi wazifa for love | Dubai

 Individuals Are Asleep. They Wake Up When They Die. Along these lines sent 

Rasul Allah 

Tragically the truth of "DEATH" isn't known from a genuine perspective presently, and DEATH is normally thought to be somebody's "finishing". In reality, without being an end, DEATH is just a progress from the actual world to a world past the physical! It is only a change! 

Just after an individual's partition from his actual body through DEATH, his life goes on inside a "soul" — hologramlike group of frequencies—either in the grave or outside. That is, DEATH is the continuation of life, starting with the soul body after the finish of existence with the actual body. 

The Quran that educates the essentials regarding Islam clarifies "demise" as follows: 

"Each SOUL will taste DEATH!" 

What we call DEATH is the transaction into a daily existence at a vast expanse of frequencies inside a soul body subsequent to isolating from the natural material body. As the cerebrum stops to work, the bioelectric energy extended to the body separates and the body loses the electromagnetic power that ordinarily keeps the soul attached to body. So the human SPIRIT is delivered to another life autonomous from the actual body. Such an occasion is the thing that is implied by DEATH. 

All the exercises acknowledged through the cerebrum of an individual all through his lifetime are put away in his soul, i.e., hologramlike group of frequencies, similar to the rushes of sound and vision. Subsequently, the profound measurement is straightforwardly gotten to with no change seen of life on passing on. The individual proceeds with his life in a type of SPIRIT a similar path as he was inside his actual body! 

There is one distinction notwithstanding: Although he is still totally alive and cognizant (mindful) as in the past, he can't direct his actual body any more! Like a perpetual vegetative state (PVS) tolerant (the condition of being lasting vegetable) [he is alive and aware]! He can notice everything going on outside, can hear and detect them, however he can't convey or react in any capacity to his actual environmental factors in the rest of the world. 

Following is an idiom of Mohammed aleyhessalaam about death as the incomparable Islamic Scholar and Sufi Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi describes it in his book named "Marifatname (Book of Gnosis):" 

"The perished (one who tasted passing) realizes the individuals who washed his body, who covered the carcass, who played out the burial service for him, who went to his memorial service parade, who slipped the body into the grave and who provoked over his grave!" 

"Try not to shout out by slapping your cheeks and tearing your garments next to the expired for he is tormented by your moaning!"


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