Benefits of Surat Al-Ikhlas | powerful wazifa to make someone mad in love with you

 The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said "Whoever peruses a letter from the Book of Allah will get a hasanah(good deed) from it, and the hasanah is duplicated by ten. I don't say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter , rather Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter." 

Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) announced that when Allah's Messenger (saw) asked Ubayy ibn Ka'ab (radiAllahu anhu), "Do you need me to show you a Surah the like of which has not been uncovered in the Torah, the Injeel, the Zabur, nor the Qur'an?", and furthermore asked what he presented in his supplications. He answered Umm-ul Qur'an (Surah Fatihah) the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) broadcasted, 'By Him in whose domain my spirit is, nothing similar to it has been uncovered in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, or the Qur'an and it is seven of the frequently rehashed refrains in the Mighty Qur'an which I have been given' 

Anas (radhi Allah anhu) said: "When you discuss Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas after lying on your bed, you will be defended and ought to get intrepid of everything with the exception of death."

                                                  Benefits of Surat Al-Ikhlas

This surah is one third of the holy Qauran. This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 4 verses. Reciting (Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad) brings a reward equivalent to reciting one-third of the Qur’aan, but it does not take the place of reading one-third of the Qur’aan.

It is narrated that if a person does not recite this Surah in any of his five daily prayers, it is as if he has not prayed. In fact, if a person does not recite this Surah in any of his prayers for seven consecutive days, and he dies, it will be as if he died while following the religion of Abu Lahab.

Surah al-ikhlas is a means of forgiveness of sins. the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "whoever reads surat qul hu-wallaahu 'ahad every day two hundred times, allah will grant him one thousand five hundred rewards and will erase from him the sins of fifty years, unless he has debts."

The Holy prophet (S.A.W) once advised a poor person to always say 'Salaam' when entering his house even if there was nobody there and then recite Surah At Tawheed, after a little while the man became abundantly wealthy.

When a person goes to see a unjust man in authority, he should recite this Surah 3 times and close the fist and opne the fist when the interview is finished.

If this Surah is recited over the eyes of a man suffering eye sore he would be cured.

It is makruh to recite this Surah in one breath. This Surah has numerous other benefits and is a cure for many ailments. It should be recited when travelling or when facing a tyrant ruler.


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